
Oak Orchard/Riverdale Post 28



To Contact Any Officer, Please Call Post at 302-945-1673



 2024-2025  Post Officers

Commander - Joe Brown

First Vice Commander - Larry Doyle

Second Vice Commander - Lauren Doyle

Third Vice Commander - Stan Neal

Acting Adjutant- Jim Beattie 

Chaplin - Jim Russell

Finance Officer - Jim Beattie

Judge Advocate - Dave Perry 

Post Historian - Vacant

Service Officer - Kenneth "Skip" Wingo

Sergeant-at-Arms - Bruce Dickerson

Sergeant-at-Arms - Bruce Taylor

Member-at-Large - Ray Siegler

Member-at-Large - Brian Wagener

Member-at-Large Harry "Hack" Jones

Member-at-Large - Vacant



 Sons of American Legion Officers

Commander - Garth Miller

1st Vice Commander - Jim Horne

2nd Vice Commander - 

Adjutant - 

Finance - 

Chaplain - 

Historian -

Sergeant -at-Arms - 

Sergeant -at-Arms -

Past Squadron Commander- Mike Cotten

Past Squadron Commander- Toby Cullen

Past Squadron Commander- Jonathan Miller



Auxiliary Officers

President - June Jones

Vice President - Beth McGinn

Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Carolyn Kelly

Chaplain - Robin Airey

Historian - Leslie McBride

Sergeant-at-Arms - Alice Hoy

Sergeant-at-Arms- Linda Mullen

E-Board-at-Large - Barb McBride

E-Board-at-Large - Anita Valentine


Legion Riders

Director - 

Assistant Director - 

Treasurer - 

Membership - 

Secretary - 

Chaplain/Historian - Lisa Schumann

Sergeant-at-Arms - 

Road Captain - Lou Eisel